Pearls of wisdom which Mama had jotted down on scraps of
It isn't the thing you do it's the thing you leave undone,
which gives you a bit of heartache at the setting of the
The tender word forgotten, the letter you did not write,
The flowers you might have sent, are your haunting ghosts
Monday's child is fair of face.
Tuesday's child is full of grace.
Wednesday's child is full of woe
Thursday's child has far to go.
Friday's child is loving and giving.
Saturday's child must work for a living.
Sunday's child is fair and wise and good and gay.
The heart makes a record of each shining moment and plays
it back all through the years.
Our yesterdays are golden, give us the courage to face our
The following sent to me by sister Monnie Woods Jones.
The tender word forgotten, the letter you did not write,
The flowers you might have sent, are your haunting ghosts tonight!
What I remember Mama saying.........
Time oh time
Turn back in your flight
And make me a child
Just for tonight.
Mama didn't know the
source of these lines, but thanks to the Internet it is easy to find that information these days. (See below)
If someone complained
about something
(clothes - shoes -
or hair) Mama would smile and say,
"It wouldn't be noticed
on a galloping horse."
No one ever reminded
Mama that we were seldom on a galloping horse.
Then there was the
time when Mama was dressing
me for school and she
had patched my dress. I told
her that I didn't want
to wear a patched dress to
school. Mama said "It is no disgrace to wear a
patched dress to school,
the disgrace would be if
the patch were dirty."
Another one that would
take the wind out of
anyone’s sails..
"Oh would the power
the giftie give us...
to see ourselves as
others see us.”
By Scottish poet Robert Burns
If wishes were horses
all beggars would ride.
Harold Dove
9 Feb 1911
"Noblest Come too soon"
John Edward Dove
"His virtues formed the
monument in his memory."
Casandre Goodson
"Think what a woman
should be
and she was that"
Ann Dixon Walworth Dove
"She died as she lived
trusting in
Harold Dove was the
son of Luther Dove and
was Mama's first cousin.
John Edward Dove was
Mama's grandfather
on her mother’s
Casandre Goodson was
Mama's grandmother
and the first wife
of John Edward Dove.
Ann Dixon Walworth
Dove was Mama's Step
Grandmother (the second
wife of John Edward
Dove) and was also
Mama's great Aunt on her
daddy’s side
(she was the sister of Mama's other
grandmother, Mariam
Narcissa Dixon Brown, the
wife of James Willis
Backward, flow backward,
O tide of the years!
I am so weary of toil
and of tears,--
Toil without recompense,
tears all in vain!
Take them, and give
me my childhood again!
Backward, turn backward,
O Time, in your flight!
Make me a child again,
just for to-night!
Elizabeth Akers Allen.
1832- ----.